Fourth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems · San Jose
                                  San Jose McEnery Convention Center, San Jose
                                  Sun Apr 4th through Wed the 7th Visit San Jose »


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                                  Ameet Talwalkar (President)
                                  Virginia Smith (Secretary)
                                  Inderjit Dhillon (Treasurer)
                                  Matei Zaharia
                                  Dimitris Papailiopoulos 
                                  Vivienne Sze

                                  Steering Committee

                                  Jennifer Chayes 
                                  Bill Dally 
                                  Jeff Dean 
                                  Michael I. Jordan 
                                  Yann LeCun 
                                  Fei-Fei Li 
                                  Alex Smola 
                                  Dawn Song 
                                  Eric Xing


                                  Organizing Committee

                                  General Chair

                                  Alex Smola (Amazon)

                                  Program Chairs

                                  Alex Dimakis, UT, Austin
                                  Ion Stoica, UC, Berkeley

                                  Workshop Chairs


                                  Publications Chair


                                  Artifact Evaluation Chairs


                                  Publicity Chair


                                  Demo Chairs


                                  The organizers can be contacted ssr最新订阅地址大全. 


                                  Conference Sessions Sun Apr 4th through Wed the 7th
                                  Paper Submission deadline Sep 22 05:00 PM PDT *
                                  Author Feedback Begins Nov 17 12:00 PM PST *
                                  Paper Rebuttal/discussion ends Nov 24 11:00 PM PST *
                                  2021年SSR机场推荐丨卡车家族丨50GB/折后9元/月起 ...:2021-6-3 · 节点:50+接入点;游戏:接入香港,台湾,日本,韩国等游戏CN2专线,畅游黑沙,彩虹,吃鸡,战地等热门游戏;娱乐:多条高速线路,可观看油管 ... Jan 18 11:00 PM PST *
                                  All dates » * Dates above are in pacific time

                                  About Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys)

                                  The Conference on Machine Learning and Systems targets research at the intersection of machine learning and systems. The conference aims to elicit new connections amongst these fields, including identifying best practices and design principles for learning systems, as well as developing novel learning methods and theory tailored to practical machine learning workflows. Topics include:

                                  • Computer architecture
                                  • Computer networks
                                  • 高速的ssr节点分享网站
                                  • Databases
                                  • Design automation
                                  • Embedded & real-time systems
                                  • High-performance computing
                                  • Mobile computing
                                  • 酸酸乳ssr网站
                                  • Operating systems
                                  • Programming languages
                                  • Software engineering

                                  Read the whitepaper to learn more.

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